Team Paravel
I love being one-third of Paravel. I don’t know how other web shops work, but I do know that I like how we roll. It’s taken some hard work to build the team as well as... read more
I love being one-third of Paravel. I don’t know how other web shops work, but I do know that I like how we roll. It’s taken some hard work to build the team as well as... read more
One thing I’ve revisited a number of times since we launched the latest installment of The Many Faces Of… for the Goonies is the Chutes and Ladders style iPad Game. Reagan designed it and Dave built... read more
A New Paravel Venture At Paravel, we love movies. We talk about them, quote them, and gather design inspiration from them. We’ve named our web servers Gozer & Zuul. One of our home page banners has... read more